Sunday, June 18, 2006


ER/Luka Kovac 018 Content
Title: Baby Girl
Fandom: ER
Characters: Luka Kovac, Jasna Kovac
Prompt: Content
Word Count: 265
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Possible tissue alert
Summary: Luka spends some quiet time with his newborn daughter.

How is it possible that someone who can't even hold her own head up can hold me in such awe?  Jasna, my baby girl, you've been here less then 72 hours and already I can't imagine how I would survive without you.

You're so tiny and as I hold you cradled in my arms I feel a peace, a contentment, that I don't know that I've ever felt before.  I think I could stare at you for hours.  With your black hair and equally dark eyes you are a miniature version of your mama and your beauty holds me spellbound.  I wonder how much of her will show in your personality as you grow, and then I know it doesn't matter for whoever you are, I will love you with all my heart.

Why did you have to smile?  I can feel my heart soar to yours and in these moments there is nothing more important then you.  It's hard for me to remember how frightened I was of being a father even as much as I wanted it to happen.  There is so much for your mama and I to teach you and I can't help feeling frightened that we might somehow get something wrong.  Those worries don't linger though and as your fingers grasp one of mine I realize we'll do fine.

I wish I could sit here with you all night, but already sleep is calling you back to it and I know we'll have more times like these to share.  Sleep well my angel, your Tata will be watching over you.

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